“Kampmann’s fully rounded narrative helps Christ followers know Christ better not only as the risen Christ, but as a boy and then as a man living on Earth. Every aspect of human nature can be seen in Kampmann’s fascinating daily readings, and even longtime Christians will discover fresh insights.” —Publishers Weekly
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The Lord Is My Strength
Eric Kampmann
The Lord Is My Strength, a book dedicated to experiencing the Psalms day by day. Envisioned as a book of morning prayers posted on social media sites, it quickly became more than that when author Eric Kampmann began posting a photograph and a short commentary along with the passage from the psalms. Th e result is a new book that speaks through words and pictures to the beauty, harmony, and mystery that has been gifted to everyone who desires to see the glory of God’s creation.
In his introduction to The Lord Is My Strength,
Eric Kampmann places the psalms at the epicenter of the biblical narrative, weaving all the way back to the creation story, forward to the advent of Jesus, and beyond to the end of times. And within this epic story, the psalms tell each one of us of our hopes, our dreams, our fears and conflicts in a way that ignites our imagination, providing a full and deeper picture of who we are as we live day to day in our own time and place.
9780825309267 $17.95
Paperback/French Flaps
9780825308109 $14.99
Available at these fine retailers:
Getting to Know Jesus
Eric Kampmann
Winner of the 2017 CIPA Book of the Year Award in Devotionals Getting to Know Jesus is the perfect devotional for the person who knows some but wants to know much more about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Th is award-winning book is designed to follow the life of Jesus Christ chronologically based on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Getting to Know Jesus began as a series of podcasts that author Eric Kampmann and Dr. Chuck Davis recorded over the course of one full year. For this book, Kampmann used the content of the podcasts to build a commentary on each passage that provides a deeper look into the accounts of Jesus’ life, ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection.
In addition to the book, Kampmann has provided an index that lists 31 Bible or individual studies. The studies include an in depth look at the Sermon on the Mount, the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Raising Lazarus, the Seven Words of the Cross, the High Priestly Prayer, and many more.
9780825307904 $14.95
Paperback/French Flaps
9780825307195 $4.99
Available at these fine retailers:
Signposts Now Available
Eric Kampmann
Throughout the journey of life, we all have moments of feeling lost and tested. It's at these times we need a signpost to point the way through the darkness and confusion to a clearer and better path. Signposts shares the insights and wisdom he discovered as he journeyed through the pages of the
New and Old Testaments.
Designed as a daily devotional, it is built page by page on the assumption that the meaning and purpose of our lives is available to be discovered if only we take the time and trouble to look. Prepare yourself for the journey and keep your eyes open to the signposts along the way. You too will discover that God is always near and available for those who seek him.
9780825309366 $15.95
Paperback/French Flaps
9780825308185 $9.99
Available at these fine retailers: